Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

I am still so TIRED!I am still getting used to having no adderall to rely on to give me energy. My focus is ok though. Even though I feel a little lazy I am still managing to get stuff accomplished. HOWEVER, since I use a bodybugg (which I LOVE) I am able to monitor how many calories I burn throughout the day. I averaged about 3700 WITH the adderall. Now I average 3000. Hmmmmm......THAT is a huge difference!! I can live with that though.

Today I also discovered something awesome!! I found something that I can replace my diet coke with!! If you watch my youtube videos you know I drink MASSIVE amounts of diet coke.I sadly ONLY drink diet coke. I do not drink water. i am so ashamed to say. I drink 6...yes...SIX of these:

I believe thats about 384 oz? Somedays I actually drink more. :( TODAY I decided to try something I saw on a commercial. I surprised myself by actually liking it! Today I am proud to say I oonly had ONE of my normal sodas around 3pm. I drank 8 glasses of normal water and 4 bottles of this:
I am proud of myself today. :) I also stayed on track with my eating and exercise. I am finding it alittle harder to get up early to go to the gym. I used to get up at 5:15am for the gym. That turned into hitting snooze a couple times and finally dragging my butt out of bed at 5:55am. :( I plan to work on that. I only have a small headache today even though I drank 1/6 of my normal amout of caffiene. Also I like that the Propel water does not have aspartame.So by next week hopefully I will be done with diet coke.
Not much else to report. lol My acne has decreased ALOT! I have had people mention my skin is looking better.

I think I may start doing a daily summary of what I eat or how many points I used and my exercise. :)

Today I did :
*45min on the elliptical and 30 min strenghth training my legs and Abs.
*I ate 25pts (what Im aloud since I am doing WW Momentum NOT PointsPlus right now)
*Thats 1890 calories (Id like that to be lower)
*As of 9pm I have burned :
So I already have a good burn today! Ill probably do another 100-150 calories before midnight. So It was a great day!! :)

ALSO, I would like to thank the people who have already read my blog. I am making this mostly for myself,  like I did with my youtube videos, but if anyone finds it useful thats great. I think its great to be able to look back and read how i felt and what was going on in my life. I am so grateful i decided to document my weight loss journey. It keeps me on track and motivates me to get to my goal. (which is currently 160lbs)
Losing weight has been the hardest thing I have ever done. Id rather GIVE BIRTH 100 times then have to do this again. I hate thought that I look in the mirror everyday and I FORGET how far i come. I seem to just focus on where Im NOT. I pick myself apart, and usually leave the mirror feeling bad about myself rather then be so proud of who I become and how I look. I started off in a size 26! Im now a 10!! I just dont understand why THAT big of a difference goes unnoticed to me.  I need to learn to be happy with myself, no matter what I weigh. I have a problem thinking 'No one loves me or cares about me'. I dont know WHY I think this, but I do. I know its not true, but its just how i feel. But how can others truly love me if I cant even love myself?!
If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.


1 comment:

  1. You are so beautiful April! You were beautiful before you started your weight loss journey and you are just as beautiful now! It is an amazing accomplishment to have as much motivation and willpower as you have had along your journey to improve your health. Way to go on limiting the amount of caffeine you had today! I recently have given up caffeine and it's a difficult thing to do! I love the propel waters though because it fulfills your sweet tooth but still satisfies your thirst without adding loads of calories and caffeine! You are doing great April and you are so right, you can't love others fully until you love yourself. I am learning how to do that too!
